Professional Standards
“Whatsoever ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them.” -- The Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS® is a document which is universally recognized by lawyers and laymen as the measure of professionalism in the real estate industry. It does not describe the lowest common denominator of permissible behavior as do the licensing laws of the state. Instead, it outlines the highest ideals of professional performance the public, and other REALTORS®, have a right to expect from REALTORS®.
Ombudsman Program, Code of Ethics Enforcement, and Mediation or Arbitration of Commission Disputes
Even professionals who are committed to high standards of conduct will occasionally have honest business disputes.
Dayton REALTORS® firmly supports and enforces the REALTOR® Code of Ethics. If you feel that you have grounds to file an Ethics Complaint or an Arbitration Request, please use the following information.
Dayton REALTORS® is part of a statewide Professional Standards program administered by the Ohio REALTORS®. Services include an Ombudsman Program, Code of Ethics Enforcement, and Mediation or Arbitration of Commission Disputes.
Mediation can resolve controversy, promote amicable resolutions and reduce the number of cases requiring the more formal and complex arbitration procedures.
Participation in mediation procedures is entirely voluntary. However, if the parties agree to a settlement of the dispute, and the settlement has been signed by all of the parties, the matter is deemed resolved and cannot be the subject of a subsequent arbitration hearing.
Also offered is an Ombudsman program. Complaints can be addressed that should increase the likelihood that they will be favorably resolved to the benefit of both the complainant and the agent about whom the complaint is being lodged. The Ombudsman option was established as a means to receive and resolve ethics and other complaints.
To learn more about the Ombudsman Program, Code of Ethics Enforcement, and Mediation or Arbitration of Commission Disputes, use the links below: